Wednesday 2 November 2016

Missing someone special

you will be surprised when someone special is gone from your life forever, when you had the feeling you could have done more...

could have pay her weekly visit, or even monthly... yet we only visit her on need to basis...

some time i wonder if i am really a good grandson or even a good son...

feeling confused... haiz...

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Anti-Social or being weird?

Didn't deactivate my FB account however felt that I should pull myself away from social media to plan and think for myself...

going to see how long i can stay without FB.

Friday 21 October 2016

State of mind

Having a confusing state of mine now... couldn't find peace with myself...

I really wonder what could be the reason or maybe I do know it deep in my heart but not willing to admit it...

Changing a job or not changing a job it is just another stupid stress that I gave myself... I do know what I want... and if there a chance I should take it before I regret it... I can always start later however it is the mind set I am having that matter...

Friday 14 October 2016

some random line that set me thinking...


Saturday 17 September 2016

Ideas in the head

Had a Green project that is in my head,

not sure how to go about doing it... It goes like this, I believe the chinese know about the Sky Lantern where chinese will release their lantern to the sky, having best wishes written on it. I watched a video about a guy who want to know where did those sky lantern flew to. And most of them landed in the mountain. it is not just 1 or 2 but hundred and thousand of it.

Then it hit me, no that i disrespect the culture but it is the repercussion that from it. how long more before the mountain is going to be filled with rubbish?

really what do you guys think? and if possible i will want to meet liked minded people to do something meaningful.


Wednesday 24 August 2016

Follow your heart?

how to do you reply the person who asked you " Should I give him another chance?"

mine reply was " It your happiness of cos you decide, do you just listen to other people cos they say so?"

Late night conversation with someone which kinda ruined my mood, making it harder trying not to think about it. Honest I felt if in a relationship there are doubt clear it fast or just end that relationship. As least that what i learn from my relationship that ended in 2015.

Thinking back, i felt i didn't care much about them, or should i say didn't had much conversation with them. at least like what they like or how they got together and things like that...

There was never a proper or heartwarming session with them before... when I was younger at time

How I wish they are not just there but with me going through thing.

How I wish they are more educated rather than just me getting all the education.

How I wish they care more about me rather than me not knowing who care about me.

How I wish they can teach me rather than me asking others to do it.

How I wish they can spend more time with me.

I do know each and every family have their own problem but well mine is like a bible that I never tried to read it. The cover look good, but the content are drawn out expecting you to find out what the whole story is about.

Some time I do wish I had what arrow, sprit or even warrior had. Though they had their own problem too but I believe blood thicker than water...

Shall not say anymore, all I wanted to tell her is follow your heart, do what make you happy...

Rain Maker.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Time of the year

Yes 2 days after time of the year...

where I am grateful for all the things that happen to me in the past 24 years.

all the up and down... some time I do wish i can jump back to the past not to change anything but to enjoy the moment again... Don't you people wish to do that?

Planning to do a reset for myself in may 2017. I wonder if it will come true...


Sunday 7 August 2016

That feeling

Not sure if it is just me or what but felt i had done something wrong... Not sure if it is my unintended action or just super dumb me.

Saw a photo, and what i see with my own eyes, my heart just sank.

After all this, and all the recent event, felt that i am suiciding if i'm to just jump in.

dunno what to say... saw a video on stages of love. thought i am going to stage 1 but guess i just found out i am at stage 0.

Just another emotional super morning...


Wednesday 27 July 2016

Somewhere deep down...

deep down in my heart I am rather confused...

unsure of what is right or what is wrong...

all are very gray as of what i am seeing...

Unsure who are reading this post but still wanna just share what is in my head and something deep in my heart...

What is love? how do we know we love someone? is it really possible to just end a relationship just like a click on the mouse? is it easy to love another person?

all those are my question... though I know the correct answer and what i should do (moving on). but I am rather reluctant to do so... wish that I can go back to solve the problem (if there is any).

knowing that it is not possible, I am just avoiding it as of now. When I am finally out of that state, suddenly falling in love seem to be very scary... will history repeat itself? rising to breakup with me when i am deeply inlove with you?

Loving people is a great thing to do, but getting rejected is not fun at all... less of the physical but so much more of the emotional pain...

told to slot myself before going into one. but maybe i am now the weak and pathetic boy that dont want to take the first step to ask a girl to be my gf... maybe i am waiting for a girl to ask me to be her bf... or till i really wanna ask someone to be my gf... so until then ... shall wait for Ms Left to ask me out.

that all folks,


Tuesday 14 June 2016



Recalling back in april when i visited my grandma in the hospital with my mum. and my mum just break down, crying in front of her, it really broke my heart. This felt worse compare to how i felt in december. There is only regret that I was unable to bring my mum to visit her once more before she left.

Just yesterday after me back from work my mum ask if this week when we can visit my grandma, I suggested this thursday after my shift. and today right after my work i got a sms from my uncle saying my grandma passed away.

My memory of my grandma is that she loves me a lot, every time i follow my mum to visit her she will always make sure i have food to eat and during cny she will always have something special for me. recall that in secondary school and in poly once a month i will be following my mum to my grandma place to visit. Me always finding it boring as there nothing for me to do other than watching tv. Thinking back I really love the time spending there talking to her and eating her super awesome cooking.

I felt what it really mean when people say spend the time you have with your parent. Cos you don't know when they might leave.


Sunday 12 June 2016


Having this thing in my head since I'm withdrawn from the US det. Leaving the force to do start up or find another job.

however there are a lot of consideration and lots of risk to take...

At time how i wish i can be the primary/secondary school kids where psle/olevel...

could be me feeling stressed up again >.<


Tuesday 31 May 2016

When one door closed another door open...

Told that mine trip is not happening... All the preparation and all the think that I prepared for are for nothing...

I am sad however life goes on... I do not really know what to expect other then I am being toyed with... feeling devastated by the news.

really wonder is it is the door problem or just me chasing after a door that is already closed...

sometime how i wish I am able to know if the doors suit me...

life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you going have till you eat it... (of cos unless you brought the chocolate :p)

Best regard,

Thursday 19 May 2016

Shock of mine life...

After living for 23years and 9months. I am told that I am a Hep B carrier.

so what is hepatitis b or Hep B in short?

"Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) which affects the liver. It can cause both acute and chronic infections. Many people have no symptoms during the initial infection. Some develop a rapid onset of sickness with vomiting, yellow skin, feeling tired, dark urine and abdominal pain." from wiki.

why is it such a surprise to me? that because I never knew about it. This set me thinking why I never know about it? don't the army do a check for Hep B in the pre-enlisting? if they do and I am not a non Hep B carrier it will be a scary matter.

Why? because Hep B is a blood transmission virus in short is the same way HIV being transmitted (blood or sexual intercourse). Quite sure i don't get it via the 2nd method, and it just set me thinking where and when did I get infected... 

But o well at least now i will know why I will be dead due to :p wahaha

staying positive ^^ not the end of the work just me continue life in a harder level :p

Rain Maker

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Short late night reflection

Reflection on the past few weeks...

I had an awesome solo trip to korea where I learnt a bit more of what solo trip and how solo trip mean to be... it is great and the experiences are unforgettable.

Through the trips and things I felt so much refresh and enjoyable...

With that I going to bed...

Night to the world,

Rain Man

Sunday 24 April 2016

Depressing situation

Got caught up in a rather depressing situation... honestly speaking I am rather pissed with the dealer on the court case. There is totally nothing to do with me, I guess the only fault or mistake I done is not sending the car to KAH auto for servicing.

However that doesn't really stop me from being happy cos I give no attention to it then what is required.

Guess the things that really get to me is Family - lost one in Dec. Now he is like still don't learn from his lesson, honestly I dunno how to assist him...


was typing the above and side track to fb just now and found this quote is awesome...

What do you guys think? and it is by Peng Joon, who I feel he is an awesome guy but o well.

Best Regards,
Rain Man

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Gunung Tahan

Pardon for the past week silence, went for hiking at Gunung Tahan. Climbed to the summit and enjoyed the sun rise and awesome night sky.

It is a 5d4n adventure, honestly speaking it is hard and tough but I enjoyed it. what do i enjoy?

The bonding with my ventures, the late night confession time. "This is my Confession" hehe.

It is rather those that make this trip so awesome. Some what I learn that I am a rather harsh person.

some awesome photo to share with my readers ^^

Rain Maker

Thursday 31 March 2016

Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.

Below is an short article I read just now. Read it before. However felt that it is really true, don't just look on the surface of matter.  Enjoy the story.

A cruise ship capsized while at sea. On the ship was a couple who, after having made their way to the lifeboat, realized that there was only space for one person left.
At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.
The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.
Most of the students excitedly answered: “I hate you! I was blind!”
Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied: “Teacher, I believe she would have shouted – Take care of our child!”
The teacher was surprised, asking: “Have you heard this story before?”
The boy shook his head: “Nope, but that was what my mom told my dad before she died to disease.”
The teacher lamented: “The answer is right.”
The cruise sunk, the man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.
Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.
It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with terminal illness. At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.
He wrote in his diary: “How I wished to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone.”
The story is finished. The class was completely silent.
The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand.
Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.
Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.
Those who take the initiative at work, do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.
Those who apologize first after a fight, do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.
Those who often text you, do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.
One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversations of everything and nothing and the dreams we had. Days, months and years will pass until this contact becomes rare.
One day, our children will see our pictures and ask: “Who are these people?”

Rain Man

Sunday 27 March 2016

Life plan?

As I am out buying dinner, I started thinking about my life plan during the walk. Maybe due to the most recent relationship I am rather lost. Then it come to my realization that I had put all my time and energy around her. When I lost her, I felt empty. As there is something major missing from my life.

But during the walk just now i asked myself this question. What am I going to do when I am back from Arizona? by then my age is 26/27? what do I want? I asked myself. 

I want to get married and have 1~2 kids before age of 30 for my wife (hopefully she is younger). Have enough to buy HDB by Age 25. (which I already had enough for the 10% down payment provided the house is $300,000 or lesser) and need not to worry about finical matter for me and my family. Having holiday and able to retired early will be bonus for me. I always plan and want to retire by age of 50. 

The short paragraph is the life plan that I had and I had this question will I be happy? I really dunno. If the life above is what I want. getting married, get a job, watch your kids grow up then end your life peacefully. That the most common life anyone wants. without thinking too much of how what we are going to do is going to affect the life plan we have.

I really dunno if I will be happy. If given the chance I am really willing to quit my job and go traveling round the world. You never know who you will meet. 

How I wish i can waste a few years up in the mountain on my own.

Rain Maker

It suck to be me. Or not :p

Had that post out in fb before I going for work (need to go back to my work place to settle admin work), when I'm out of office had a shock to see people asking me what wrong with me (though I think I know why due to a recent photo post by someone else). After letting them know they are more of like hmmm ok. Thz for those that texted me and judith that comment on my post. 

Just feel that I am sure i didn't waste the 6 years, the time I waste is pondering and wanting the relationship back. So petty much sure for myself that she doesn't suit me. 

Look wide.

Rain Maker

Thursday 24 March 2016

1 new word and a movie review

The new word for me today is Kirn.

It mean churn which is to mixing milk and cream to make butter. (according to dictionary).

Also it is pronounced as K-ER-N.

Next up is Movie review: of Batman VS Superman.

Honestly speaking I am disappointed with it. The storyline is rather weird. The plot is rather confusing with Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. It is like a prelude yet it seen to be at the wrong timing.

Apart from the confusing plot, I feel that they are trying too hard to link it with the previous movie (Man of Steel).

Overall i rate the movie 6 out of 10.
CGI : 7/10
Action: 8/10
number of people fall asleep 1/3 (yes one of my friend snoozed off at some part of it and woke up due to the loud noise) wahaha

That all for the day

Rain Maker

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Garden By The Bay Outing

Today is a relaxing day for me. I went to the garden by the bay with Vivian and her family. took lots of photos. Enjoyed my day there thanks for the free entries plus lunch and the coffee wahaha. Wish to see them soon again when I am come back from Arizona.

Had Dinner with the Members of Rain Maker Council. A farewell cum welcome of venture leaders. After settle this petty much everything is settle for me in term of roles. There are a few matters that I do not know how to solve hence I am going to leave it to destiny.

This set me to think and improve myself in term of leadership. Knowing your people and how to enhance them is the key to leadership. Wisdom Keeper enlighten me once again with his deep knowledge of management.  I am highly impress and feel that I still have a lot more to learn.

some picture that I took at garden by the bay.

Rain Maker

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Private S C Loh

As stated today I am a Private Loh, forgetting to put on my rank when I went to work today. It set me thinking about procrastination and it's effect. It have been 4 days since I wanted to do something about my english and start with my daily blogging. However only started 3 days later and almost unable to do the daily blogging.

Didn't manage to find 3 new word today. However shall not get my excuses for myself, fact is i didn't do it. Now need to know what to do to contain the situation.


I felt a bit emotional today. not sure if it is due to the parade, it is getting nearer for me to leave for Arizona or the work that is left undone.

Feeling really up sad and bad by certain matter.

Heartache, how I wish i can get drunk everyday and numb myself and forget about things. Do know that is not possible after every hangover we still need to face the fact and the problem. So I not sure if it is solution from the almighty.


Monday 21 March 2016

English improvement blog

Took an advice from my senior, to improve my english will mean to write more and read more.

Therefore I will do my best to blog daily, either one a topic or an event that happened that day.

Hopefully by doing that i am able to improve my english. Also I will try to learn 3 new words daily.

Saturday 19 March 2016


Had a wonderful chat with my senior, CPT Des :p with great advise or set my mind thinking.

with Goals it is easy for us to move on. Life is rather hopeless and mindless if it is without a goal in mind.

Settling my goals before I fly for US for 2 years and goals for me to achieve when I am in US :p (skydiving is confirm one of them)

Rain Maker

Sunday 6 March 2016

Giving Thanks

Dedicate this post to give thanks for all those that assisted me for the past 23 years (going 24...I know)

Why a random thanks is because, after an awesome chat with a senior of mine, age 38 this year. He had somehow enlighten me.

Asking everyone this one question - Why do we work so hard for? Money? Sense of achievement? Ambition?

I feel everything boils down to this word "Happiness" isn't that what everyone work towards? 

Sometime happiness doesn't mean you must have the things, but by letting go and thank for all the things that happen is happiness. Simply be happy.

I want to dedicate this part to Evelyn, for being there and support me for the last 6 years. It was great to have her by my side knowing she will support me. However at the same time like to say sorry to her for not being able to be there when you need me. Sorry for not able make our relationship to the next stage. Really sorry for the hash text/words I might have used and all I can do for you will be wish that you find a better guy. More importantly wish that you stay happy.

Well that all. At times we really got to thank those around you for years (your best buddy, brothers/sister and most importantly your parents). Those people I had said to them personally so shall not repeat myself ^^ just for her that I will not tell her but just keep it somewhere in my heart and move on. ^^

With love

Friday 4 March 2016

Sum things up

I arranged to meet up with her. Petty much to sum things up and set my vision clear.

I guess I am going to give myself 3 more months to get emotional over it. Guess time to find some drinking buddy.

Tuesday 1 March 2016





not sure why but just really felt like typing in Chinese for the day... 

Sunday 28 February 2016

Life without goals...

Though of that tittle while thinking back about my short pass of 20 years?

Notice that after Dec 15 where goal of getting married and starting a family is gone, it make me feel that all the things i am doing is meaningless. The plans, the surprise, the trips. some I have achieved but rather pointless.

a random of sadness on a Monday (guess is Monday blue wahaha).

Guess now not the time to go through the sadness and settle all the trouble is that in my way. Quite pissed with things...


Tuesday 23 February 2016


Woke up 0300H. dreamed about her. a funny dream where i stood up for her stopping people bully her. I wonder why am I doing that.

After waking up, I started to worry for her not long before it hit me, who am I to worry for her. Dunno what right i have to do that.

Sometime I really dunno what I should be doing.  I want to do something yet I am a fright of how her will see me as. Sad to say i rather be deem as a heartless guy then a pathetic guy begging to have the relationship back. I guess it is the guys ego/pride at work.

This thing suddenly hit me when I am typing. How much do I love her still? I still have feeling for her, that for sure, thought I keep telling myself to stop it. Yet I am still dreaming about her. So I really dunno how to answer myself.


Sunday 21 February 2016

Getting over it Part 2

That a very fast part 2 I am having...

Now is late at night, miss her is one thing,  wondering if she is ok is another. I guess now I don't really know what I want.

Today I had a chat with Nata, thz her for listening to my grandmother story :p a bit sad think that i should have talk to her like in dec. We shared a bit of the relationship, maybe I don't understand girls. ( I believe none of the guys will) But after the short chat with her, I felt that the things she says make sense. maybe i don't feel certain things but the girls felt it. I felt it is ok but they might not.

I was asked by nata this question. If I still love her? sad to say yes, i still do. but my head is saying impossible. don't waste your time and energy. it is a very contradicting feeling i want to do something yet there is really nothing i can do unless i want to be deem as a pest and create trouble/inconvenience to her.

How I wish eve will so happen to see this post and tell me still love me... but what are the chances... if we really do love each other why will we do those things... it hurts to see those message and hurt to see how she behaviour now...

I guess I am deem as escaping from the problem, quitting the group she is in. But i am taking it as safe guard myself from getting more wound.

To sum things up, today I just had that regret that a relationship that i though will last ended just like that.

"The right girl will bring out the hero in you"


Friday 19 February 2016

Getting over it Part 1

Decided to have that topic so hopefully can let me get over with my pass relationship. Which I will say I am still not over it.

Don't ask me why but I had dream of us patching back for a few times. But I believe that is not going to happen. be it my pride or ego, it is making me unable to be the first to apologise or head down for it. But ultimately I need to get over this.

guess this is another place for me to rattle off what I have in my mind and no worrying anyone giving any look. well if those who know me personally and is reading it, got to say thz for reading and trying to understand me a bit more ^^.

Rain Maker

Tuesday 16 February 2016

A week in Tanjong Pagar...

On course this whole week >.< interesting thing that I had done is finally got myself contact lens :p

rather scary to put and takeout the contact lens >.< suddenly I wonder how many people will notice me wearing contact lens :p

having 4 more pair :p of daily usage :p but I guess I will use them only when required? or let me think about it :p This Sat sound like a good day to use it


Tuesday 9 February 2016

That Feeling again

Having that feeling again, remembering all the things we being through, the happy, upset and angry times we had with each other...

don't ask me why but that feeling just came to me. Making me wonder what went wrong? the more i think about it the more i am confuse and lost and dunno what is wrong.

I though I am through with this but I guess not. Maybe they are right I should start finding someone else to replace her.

I feel that is not right... rather let myself suffer alone then dragging another person in when I am not ready... perhaps I should just make more new friends.

Funny thing is as I am typing this, i started to recall my pass 2 relationship.

First was a 2~3 years relationship which I have no idea why we are together... Or at least the other party don't have the feeling i guess while i just like O Ok...

The most recent one is a relationship of 6 years. It kinda set me thinking and wondering have I done something wrong? I would say this relationship I am serious. Where if you asked me i will tell you I want to marry her. Yet after all this time together, she told me she don't have the feeling. It hurt me very badly when she say lets just be friends. but what hurt me even more is her saying those words to me being very emotionally, it make me feel that there is some reason behind it but she not willing to tell me.

the hardest choice is between giving up or keep trying... Honestly speaking I want to keep trying but I care that why I give up. Maybe just me feeling inferior about myself, her having a better family background compare to mine. Being a degree holder and what am I? just a diploma holder. If i really compare myself to other guys I am 100% sure she can find someone better then me.

To tell the truth how i wish she will suddenly text me and say she want it back together... but i know that is not going to happen. so got to just do my best to forget about it...

Time to get a drink tml night...

Sunday 7 February 2016

Chinese New Year

This year CNY it felt like it is not a CNY. Just another normal day.

working on first day of CNY. I am wondering how should i go about telling them that i am leaving?

Maybe I should just go ahead and do it and not worries how others thinks about me.

feeling confused and troubled >.<

Thursday 4 February 2016

Scouting Name - Why am I called Rain Maker ?

A random night post before I sleep... just wondering if any one know why I am called the Rain Maker?

Incase you still do not know that Rain Maker is my scouting name ^^

And a scouting name is given to a scout when the scout leader deem you are worthy of the scouting name.

This is what Rain Maker means:

Rainmakers keep peace and tranquillity possible in the Red Indian Tribe. They are associated with the proper harvesting of food crops. They are often referred to as medicine men that are consulted in times of crisis. They form part of the elders who sees to the growth of the young ones in the tribe and to further the traditions through them...

Make a Guess for the rest of the part or ask me about it ^^

Yours In Scouting,
Rain Maker

Wednesday 20 January 2016

When passion become a chore?

Posting this while I am on my way to work. Have this though then come into my mind. What happen when the passion you have in something become a chore? Will you give up that passion? Or will you want to find back the drive of why you have the passion for it?

As I am in my early mid life crisis as my brothers and Sister is saying...

Changing of career, however not sure what to do. Will it be another job where I just listen and do what is required? Or will it be a thing where I enjoy doing and don't find it hard? 

Honesty I will want to start a company. However I felt I still have a lot of things I cannot let go. The responsibility that I have make me unable to afford to fail. Anyone felt that way? Sometime how I wish I can just be myself, not have any responsibility that stop me from trying to get what I want to do.

Rain Maker

Thursday 14 January 2016

Day 15 of 365

Before going to sleep, this thing pop into my head. As of now is start of day 15 of 2016. And what have I done?

Apart from settle my feeling or should I say trying to kill the feeling. And joining in random activity. There are a few interesting matter that set me pounding just now....

1. There no right or wrong in a relationship. But what is actually right/wrong? Morally guy shouldn't hit the girl but shouldn't that be both way? No premarital sex? But how many couple really do that? I feel that being involved physical it mean for the male will require to take responsibility and commit to the relationship (at least from my point of view) 

2. What is feeling? What it mean by no feeling? What it mean by got feeling? I think through and it felt like something very wrong. If a relationship can end by a sudden no feeling guess either party is not serious enough or think deep enough or not prepared enough. 

Suddenly I feel that a relationship is like a campfire. At the start is the preparation preparing all the dry leaves twig and woods. You require all the tinder and things to start burning and product a heat before you add in the wood/log to burn. For each log it can burn for hours before you need to feed it with more log. If you left it unattended it will die down however before the heat are gone you still can save it with leave and twig before adding in log again. However adding wrong thing like sand or water will extinguish the campfire and leaving a huge mess (un-burn wood and things) 

Wonder if you guys under stand what I mean.

Rain Maker 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Meet up

Exposed to this app and website call meet up. It look interesting and cool. Able to meet up with random people to do activity that we like. RSVP for a few event :p now is to turn up for the activity and enjoy them :)

Saturday 2 January 2016

Internal fight

What should I do?

There a part of me that like F this shit and don't care about it. While another part is like but she is sick don't you care of worried about her? 

I really dunno what I should do. Already went through and gone very blunt with her. Now my ego is holding my back from asking and caring. Also a bit of myself feeling I am just a pest to her that better off without me around.

Fighting this feeling in me. Guess it is not that easy to let go a relationship that is 6 years. Me saying letting go and letting time heal is seriously just words... Deep down how I wish she ask me to come back... But from what it seem that it is totally not possible... 

I should just let time heal my wound and stop thinking about her... And get used to the life of being single... 

Hopefully this is the last post I have about her. Shall post more about other stuff too 

Coney Island

Spend my day at Coney Island exporing all the interesting places that are not possible for me to go when I was on bike previously.

Some picture to share ^^

Friday 1 January 2016


Start of new year, and want to forget and about something unhappy in 2015. Run away from "A Place For Me To Run".

And a brief introduction about myself, I am Shi Chang or you can call me Alex. I am a Scout and mine scouting name is Rain Maker or Regen Macher in German that how mine blogspot name come in. In the blog is for me to share some of the meaning full days or event that will be happening in my life.

Also for my Ms Right to know more about me if she plan to "stalk" me wahaha :p.

Rain Maker