Thursday 24 March 2016

1 new word and a movie review

The new word for me today is Kirn.

It mean churn which is to mixing milk and cream to make butter. (according to dictionary).

Also it is pronounced as K-ER-N.

Next up is Movie review: of Batman VS Superman.

Honestly speaking I am disappointed with it. The storyline is rather weird. The plot is rather confusing with Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. It is like a prelude yet it seen to be at the wrong timing.

Apart from the confusing plot, I feel that they are trying too hard to link it with the previous movie (Man of Steel).

Overall i rate the movie 6 out of 10.
CGI : 7/10
Action: 8/10
number of people fall asleep 1/3 (yes one of my friend snoozed off at some part of it and woke up due to the loud noise) wahaha

That all for the day

Rain Maker

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