Thursday 31 March 2016

Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.

Below is an short article I read just now. Read it before. However felt that it is really true, don't just look on the surface of matter.  Enjoy the story.

A cruise ship capsized while at sea. On the ship was a couple who, after having made their way to the lifeboat, realized that there was only space for one person left.
At this moment, the man pushed the woman behind him and jumped onto the lifeboat himself.
The lady stood on the sinking ship and shouted one sentence to her husband.
Most of the students excitedly answered: “I hate you! I was blind!”
Now, the teacher noticed a boy who was silent throughout, she got him to answer and he replied: “Teacher, I believe she would have shouted – Take care of our child!”
The teacher was surprised, asking: “Have you heard this story before?”
The boy shook his head: “Nope, but that was what my mom told my dad before she died to disease.”
The teacher lamented: “The answer is right.”
The cruise sunk, the man went home and brought up their daughter single-handedly.
Many years later after the death of the man, their daughter found his diary while tidying his belongings.
It turns out that when parents went onto the cruise ship, the mother was already diagnosed with terminal illness. At the critical moment, the father rushed to the only chance of survival.
He wrote in his diary: “How I wished to the bottom of the ocean with you, but for the sake of our daughter, I can only let you lie forever below the sea alone.”
The story is finished. The class was completely silent.
The teacher knows that the student has understood the moral of the story, that of the good and the evil in the world, there are many complications behind them which are hard to understand.
Which is why we should never only focus on the surface and judge others without understanding them first.
Those who like to pay the bill, do so not because they are loaded but because they value friendship above money.
Those who take the initiative at work, do so not because they are stupid but because they understand the concept of responsibility.
Those who apologize first after a fight, do so not because they are wrong but because they value the people around them.
Those who often text you, do so not because they have nothing better to do but because you are in their heart.
One day, all of us will get separated from each other. We will miss our conversations of everything and nothing and the dreams we had. Days, months and years will pass until this contact becomes rare.
One day, our children will see our pictures and ask: “Who are these people?”

Rain Man

Sunday 27 March 2016

Life plan?

As I am out buying dinner, I started thinking about my life plan during the walk. Maybe due to the most recent relationship I am rather lost. Then it come to my realization that I had put all my time and energy around her. When I lost her, I felt empty. As there is something major missing from my life.

But during the walk just now i asked myself this question. What am I going to do when I am back from Arizona? by then my age is 26/27? what do I want? I asked myself. 

I want to get married and have 1~2 kids before age of 30 for my wife (hopefully she is younger). Have enough to buy HDB by Age 25. (which I already had enough for the 10% down payment provided the house is $300,000 or lesser) and need not to worry about finical matter for me and my family. Having holiday and able to retired early will be bonus for me. I always plan and want to retire by age of 50. 

The short paragraph is the life plan that I had and I had this question will I be happy? I really dunno. If the life above is what I want. getting married, get a job, watch your kids grow up then end your life peacefully. That the most common life anyone wants. without thinking too much of how what we are going to do is going to affect the life plan we have.

I really dunno if I will be happy. If given the chance I am really willing to quit my job and go traveling round the world. You never know who you will meet. 

How I wish i can waste a few years up in the mountain on my own.

Rain Maker

It suck to be me. Or not :p

Had that post out in fb before I going for work (need to go back to my work place to settle admin work), when I'm out of office had a shock to see people asking me what wrong with me (though I think I know why due to a recent photo post by someone else). After letting them know they are more of like hmmm ok. Thz for those that texted me and judith that comment on my post. 

Just feel that I am sure i didn't waste the 6 years, the time I waste is pondering and wanting the relationship back. So petty much sure for myself that she doesn't suit me. 

Look wide.

Rain Maker

Thursday 24 March 2016

1 new word and a movie review

The new word for me today is Kirn.

It mean churn which is to mixing milk and cream to make butter. (according to dictionary).

Also it is pronounced as K-ER-N.

Next up is Movie review: of Batman VS Superman.

Honestly speaking I am disappointed with it. The storyline is rather weird. The plot is rather confusing with Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. It is like a prelude yet it seen to be at the wrong timing.

Apart from the confusing plot, I feel that they are trying too hard to link it with the previous movie (Man of Steel).

Overall i rate the movie 6 out of 10.
CGI : 7/10
Action: 8/10
number of people fall asleep 1/3 (yes one of my friend snoozed off at some part of it and woke up due to the loud noise) wahaha

That all for the day

Rain Maker

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Garden By The Bay Outing

Today is a relaxing day for me. I went to the garden by the bay with Vivian and her family. took lots of photos. Enjoyed my day there thanks for the free entries plus lunch and the coffee wahaha. Wish to see them soon again when I am come back from Arizona.

Had Dinner with the Members of Rain Maker Council. A farewell cum welcome of venture leaders. After settle this petty much everything is settle for me in term of roles. There are a few matters that I do not know how to solve hence I am going to leave it to destiny.

This set me to think and improve myself in term of leadership. Knowing your people and how to enhance them is the key to leadership. Wisdom Keeper enlighten me once again with his deep knowledge of management.  I am highly impress and feel that I still have a lot more to learn.

some picture that I took at garden by the bay.

Rain Maker

Tuesday 22 March 2016

Private S C Loh

As stated today I am a Private Loh, forgetting to put on my rank when I went to work today. It set me thinking about procrastination and it's effect. It have been 4 days since I wanted to do something about my english and start with my daily blogging. However only started 3 days later and almost unable to do the daily blogging.

Didn't manage to find 3 new word today. However shall not get my excuses for myself, fact is i didn't do it. Now need to know what to do to contain the situation.


I felt a bit emotional today. not sure if it is due to the parade, it is getting nearer for me to leave for Arizona or the work that is left undone.

Feeling really up sad and bad by certain matter.

Heartache, how I wish i can get drunk everyday and numb myself and forget about things. Do know that is not possible after every hangover we still need to face the fact and the problem. So I not sure if it is solution from the almighty.


Monday 21 March 2016

English improvement blog

Took an advice from my senior, to improve my english will mean to write more and read more.

Therefore I will do my best to blog daily, either one a topic or an event that happened that day.

Hopefully by doing that i am able to improve my english. Also I will try to learn 3 new words daily.

Saturday 19 March 2016


Had a wonderful chat with my senior, CPT Des :p with great advise or set my mind thinking.

with Goals it is easy for us to move on. Life is rather hopeless and mindless if it is without a goal in mind.

Settling my goals before I fly for US for 2 years and goals for me to achieve when I am in US :p (skydiving is confirm one of them)

Rain Maker

Sunday 6 March 2016

Giving Thanks

Dedicate this post to give thanks for all those that assisted me for the past 23 years (going 24...I know)

Why a random thanks is because, after an awesome chat with a senior of mine, age 38 this year. He had somehow enlighten me.

Asking everyone this one question - Why do we work so hard for? Money? Sense of achievement? Ambition?

I feel everything boils down to this word "Happiness" isn't that what everyone work towards? 

Sometime happiness doesn't mean you must have the things, but by letting go and thank for all the things that happen is happiness. Simply be happy.

I want to dedicate this part to Evelyn, for being there and support me for the last 6 years. It was great to have her by my side knowing she will support me. However at the same time like to say sorry to her for not being able to be there when you need me. Sorry for not able make our relationship to the next stage. Really sorry for the hash text/words I might have used and all I can do for you will be wish that you find a better guy. More importantly wish that you stay happy.

Well that all. At times we really got to thank those around you for years (your best buddy, brothers/sister and most importantly your parents). Those people I had said to them personally so shall not repeat myself ^^ just for her that I will not tell her but just keep it somewhere in my heart and move on. ^^

With love

Friday 4 March 2016

Sum things up

I arranged to meet up with her. Petty much to sum things up and set my vision clear.

I guess I am going to give myself 3 more months to get emotional over it. Guess time to find some drinking buddy.

Tuesday 1 March 2016





not sure why but just really felt like typing in Chinese for the day...