Wednesday 20 January 2016

When passion become a chore?

Posting this while I am on my way to work. Have this though then come into my mind. What happen when the passion you have in something become a chore? Will you give up that passion? Or will you want to find back the drive of why you have the passion for it?

As I am in my early mid life crisis as my brothers and Sister is saying...

Changing of career, however not sure what to do. Will it be another job where I just listen and do what is required? Or will it be a thing where I enjoy doing and don't find it hard? 

Honesty I will want to start a company. However I felt I still have a lot of things I cannot let go. The responsibility that I have make me unable to afford to fail. Anyone felt that way? Sometime how I wish I can just be myself, not have any responsibility that stop me from trying to get what I want to do.

Rain Maker

Thursday 14 January 2016

Day 15 of 365

Before going to sleep, this thing pop into my head. As of now is start of day 15 of 2016. And what have I done?

Apart from settle my feeling or should I say trying to kill the feeling. And joining in random activity. There are a few interesting matter that set me pounding just now....

1. There no right or wrong in a relationship. But what is actually right/wrong? Morally guy shouldn't hit the girl but shouldn't that be both way? No premarital sex? But how many couple really do that? I feel that being involved physical it mean for the male will require to take responsibility and commit to the relationship (at least from my point of view) 

2. What is feeling? What it mean by no feeling? What it mean by got feeling? I think through and it felt like something very wrong. If a relationship can end by a sudden no feeling guess either party is not serious enough or think deep enough or not prepared enough. 

Suddenly I feel that a relationship is like a campfire. At the start is the preparation preparing all the dry leaves twig and woods. You require all the tinder and things to start burning and product a heat before you add in the wood/log to burn. For each log it can burn for hours before you need to feed it with more log. If you left it unattended it will die down however before the heat are gone you still can save it with leave and twig before adding in log again. However adding wrong thing like sand or water will extinguish the campfire and leaving a huge mess (un-burn wood and things) 

Wonder if you guys under stand what I mean.

Rain Maker 

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Meet up

Exposed to this app and website call meet up. It look interesting and cool. Able to meet up with random people to do activity that we like. RSVP for a few event :p now is to turn up for the activity and enjoy them :)

Saturday 2 January 2016

Internal fight

What should I do?

There a part of me that like F this shit and don't care about it. While another part is like but she is sick don't you care of worried about her? 

I really dunno what I should do. Already went through and gone very blunt with her. Now my ego is holding my back from asking and caring. Also a bit of myself feeling I am just a pest to her that better off without me around.

Fighting this feeling in me. Guess it is not that easy to let go a relationship that is 6 years. Me saying letting go and letting time heal is seriously just words... Deep down how I wish she ask me to come back... But from what it seem that it is totally not possible... 

I should just let time heal my wound and stop thinking about her... And get used to the life of being single... 

Hopefully this is the last post I have about her. Shall post more about other stuff too 

Coney Island

Spend my day at Coney Island exporing all the interesting places that are not possible for me to go when I was on bike previously.

Some picture to share ^^

Friday 1 January 2016


Start of new year, and want to forget and about something unhappy in 2015. Run away from "A Place For Me To Run".

And a brief introduction about myself, I am Shi Chang or you can call me Alex. I am a Scout and mine scouting name is Rain Maker or Regen Macher in German that how mine blogspot name come in. In the blog is for me to share some of the meaning full days or event that will be happening in my life.

Also for my Ms Right to know more about me if she plan to "stalk" me wahaha :p.

Rain Maker